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Today, the fucking “Operating System” exam is finally finished. The course is taught in both English and Chinese, using English book and English courseware, and the course is so boring that I always fall asleep in class. I began to read the book just several days ago. The book is as thick as a brick, whatever it is write in English, so I wanted to sleep just over few pages…But I still think it’s easier than CET-6, although most of us don’t think so.

I play in normal level in today’s test. For it’s an open-book examination, you must have strong ability of index and search. At this time, you shouldn’t be zhuangblity (Chinglish) and cockily. I took an Chinese version of the materials too, if not, I would be completely helpless.

Remaining two coerces, I take a rest first~~


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  1. Anonymous
    2008年6月25日08:41 | #1